Navigating Oceanweb

This site was designed to give users a look at how various research questions are investigated in three animals, the sea turtle, the spiny lobster, and the horseshoe crab. The user can select one of the model animals and then choose one of three general topics studied using that animal. Each "track" then takes the user through the scientific process, from question through data analysis for that specific topic. (An overall site "map" graphically depicts this flow.)

As the user follows each track, new terms are highlighted and defined in the glossary. Users can click on a term, be transported to the definition of that term and then return to the text using their browser's "back" button.

At the bottom of each page is a tool bar with clickable icons which will transport users directly to the following pages:

The UNC-Chapel Hill Home Page
The Lohmann Lab Home Page
The Oceanweb Home Page
Back to the previous page (when available)
Forward to the next page in a "track" (when available)
To this informational page

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